11 MAY 2013 by ideonexus

 Plato's Theory of Forms and Object Oriented Programming

In the theory of forms, Plato posits that there were these things called "forms," and a form is basically an abstract concept that represents some sort of object that exists. Then these objects were basically some sort of particular thing that has form-ness of some kind. So you can almost think of this as like a class and an instance basically, where you have the general definition and then the specific one. And then those objects also have attributes, which is some sort of quality. Whenever...
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Plato's idea of forms and objects with that formness is very similar to the concept in OOP, with classes and objects.

11 APR 2011 by ideonexus

 Life as "Improbable Distribution of Molecules"

At the end of the last century Boltzman made an elegant redefinition of entropy as a measure of the probability of a molecular distribution. It may seem at first obscure, but it leads directly to what we seek. It implies that the probably life or one of its products, and if we find such a distribution to be global in extent then perhaps we are seeing something of Gaia, the largest living creature on Earth. But what, you may ask, is an improbable distribution of molecules? There are many poss...
Folksonomies: earth ecology life
Folksonomies: earth ecology life
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Our search for life means looking for distributions of molecules that are unlikely, be they atmospheric proportions or solid constructions.